Upcoming Events (outdated)

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This page is from 2012.

Check the facebook page for events.

Media pow wow with TSI

See the lengthy discussion on the what worked page.

Ideas for 2012

Our first pre-event meeting had a focus on event feedback. There should be a following meeting with the specific focus on what we want to see next year. See the page here as a starting point.


There is an orientation meeting (primarily aimed at first-timers) scheduled for February 12th, 2012. The event will be from 6:00 PM until 9:00 PM at 636 Santa Ray Ave., Oakland, CA. The event is a pot luck. Bring your Ephemerisle ideas and your interesting friends (and vice versa).

Design discussion w/ George Petrie

The Seasteading Institute's Director of Engineering George Petrie has offered to consult on a project for next year if there is a team interested in designing/building a small model of future seastead. For example, he could coach the building of a small semi-submersible platform such as those showcased on our website, which could be used a community space for future Ephemerisles.

Safety class(es)

A class to expand and distribute knowledge about first aid and boating safety through more of the community.

Boating class(es)

A class to expand and distribute knowledge about boating, particularly knot tying and anchoring, through more of the community.

Build days

Experimenting and learning how to build floating platforms, basic boats, art boats, etc.

2012: May 19, 20, 26, 27, June 2, 3: Floating platform for geodesic dome, 701 Beryl Place, Hayward, CA. All day long. Come to work, come to feed the workers or just come to sunbathe.

Art days

Days with a focus on expanding the aesthetic rather than engineering aspects of the event.

Fundraising Events

Organize fundraising events to offset costs for your favorite projects.